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Affordable Search Engine Optimisation Consultant

Guide to Getting a Link Profile That Leads to High Rankings


Link profiles remain to be an important ranking factor in SEO, despite Google’s announcement that social signals are not factored into the Hummingbird search algorithm. In fact, buying links still work, although not as effective as when someone writes something on your blog. What makes a high […]

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How to Monitor Your Competitors in 3 Smart Ways


Managing a business without knowing how well the competition is doing is just like running without the right type of shoes. You might have some relative success, but it doesn’t give you the best performance you know you’re capable of. This is why it is extremely important […]

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6 Ways to Benefit from Real Estate SEO

The internet has provided convenience for every kind of human activity, and yes, this includes searching for a home. In fact, research has shown that 53% of buyers start looking for their potential home through a search engine. With this in mind, it’s important for estate agents […]

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Your Guide to Succeeding with Local SEO

A key component of the marketing strategy for any small business is effectively positioning themselves in search engine results. The question is, “Can you fight your way to the top when you have a multitude of others trying to do the same?”. The simple answer is YES, […]

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Building a Brand with Google+ Hangouts: A How-To Guide


Social media is a necessary part of any content-based marketing strategy for any kind of business. Yes, even if your business revolves around storage boxes, having a presence on one or more social networks are essential in building your brand. When you look at several companies, most […]

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Why Your Landing Page Should be Properly Optimised

A landing page, in the simplest sense, is the page that gets traffic from all places other than the same pages on your site. This is why it is called a “landing page” because it is where your visitors land – whether they saw a link to […]

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Can’t Afford SEO? Here’s How to Leverage Affordable SEO

Whether you don’t have the budget – yet – or just haven’t found the right company to get SEO services from, it doesn’t mean the end of the world. Sure, you may not have the services of a professional to help you stand out on the web, […]

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5 Myths of SEO Busted

It is a complete understatement to say that SEO has dramatically changed over the years. Just take a look at what the Panda and Penguin algorithms of Google did. Those two forced a lot of SEO agencies and marketers to change their old ways. They went from […]

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Wake Up to the Reality - This Is SEO in 2014!

SEO Methods and Techniques that work in 2014 Are you still link building from article directories? STOP! Matt Cutts once wrote in a blog post that “…we can’t have nice things in the SEO space.” There is truth to this statement because as we’ve noticed over the […]

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Customers Fall Back on Known Retailers When Online Shopping

The latest research, carried out by Search Engine Land, shows that customers like to hit the well-known brands when they’re shopping online

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