How to Integrate Social Media and SEO Teams

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Social media and SEO go hand in hand. Sure, you’ve given your site a boost by making sure that the content you create is always top notch. However, that great quality content that you just published won’t just get noticed on its own. You also have to promote it on social media to get more people to read it, comment on it or better yet, spread it to people they know.

This is why both your SEO and social media teams need to be in sync: so they can run the best possible campaign for you on the web. By working together, ideas are generated a whole lot easier which leads to the creation of more meaningful content for your audience.

With that said, here are some tips on how integrating SEO and social media teams:

Sharing information goes a long way 

An SEO team focuses on technical details – keyword research and analysis, etc. – as well as the actual creation of content. Since they know which terms define the brand (which are also used by people to find you), they can let the social team know about this for use in their own strategy.

On the other hand, the social team gets more access to the audience. They know what they’re talking about and what they’re interested in. They can even join in on the conversation as well as ask questions and attend to any issues customers may have.

Basically, they can feed the SEO team with ideas that can be turned into content that resonates well with their audience.

Communicating allows the creation of more targeted content 

Publishing valuable content is a priority of the SEO team. Sure, it’s possible that they can come up with content that your audience will consume. However, there are times when that task becomes difficult to do.

 So, rather than keep your site empty for days or weeks, why not turn to the social media team for help? As mentioned earlier, they have direct access to who your audience is. At any particular time, they can provide you with what your audience is talking about.

As both teams merge their brain power, rest assured they can come up with a topic that is not just relevant for your audience, but timely as well.

Sharing results helps a lot 

Let’s say you run a shop that sells baking supplies. You published an article, complete with pictures, about the top supplies every baker must have in their kitchen. After a few days, you re-purposed this content into an infographic. Now, the infographic got retweeted lots of times on Twitter, was pinned to several boards and was also shared throughout Facebook.

On the other hand, the post that featured both photos and text just got a decent amount of shares.

By sharing results, you know that your audience loves content that are visual in nature. So, you now have an idea to increase the number of visual-related content knowing that your readers love to consume them.


When both your SEO and social media teams work together, your brand can provide a much better experience for your target market. Even better, constant monitoring of trends allows you to provide answers to questions your audience hasn’t even asked yet! Through this, you can convert site visitors into customers who will then become advocated for your brand.


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