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How Does Fresh and Unique Content Help My Website’s SEO?

Is it worthwhile to keep my website up to date with content?

We all know that Google’s algorithms are responsible for how well a site ranks in search queries. What we don’t know is what the inner workings of these algorithms are. This is hardly surprising though, as they are some of Google’s most closely guarded secrets. However, certain trends become more apparent to Internet marketers through experience and over time. One such trend is that the content’s “freshness” matters – and it matters a lot. In other words, the newer the site’s content, the better its search ranking is.

How Does Fresh and Unique Content Help My Website’s SEO

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, such as “evergreen” content (but that’s for a different discussion). So when you have an affordable SEO consultant create a webpage or write a blog post, Google bots will not only take a look at factors such as keywords and links, they will also take a look at its “freshness” factor. From a search engine’s perspective, the freshness factor actually makes sense. After all, Google would want the most interesting and relevant topics to be high up their search results in order to give users a better search experience, which in turn would give Google more credibility and income from ads. And what else would be more relevant than timely content?

With that in mind, here are other compelling reasons as to why your website requires fresh content, it shows customers that you have a busy company.

When was the last time your portal had a fresh piece of news? 2009? Or further back? If you answered yes, it would only be natural to your site’s visitors to assume that your company hasn’t done or accomplished anything since then. Worse, they might be led to the conclusion that you’ve gone out of business. So it would be wise to let customers know your site has evolved with the times by having weekly or monthly news to shout out.

Helps search engines find your site: Algorithms may be an exact science for search engines like Google, but it isn’t exactly the case for online entrepreneurs, Internet marketers, and SEO analysts. Regardless though, it has been observed that search engines have a penchant for sites that regularly change their content. Google, in particular, considers those sites with the most recent information as the most relevant ones to their users.

Attracts more inbound links to your portal: Fresher content is likely to be more interesting to your audiences (although this doesn’t always follow if the content quality is poor). When something is interesting, people will notice it, discuss it, and even share it in their own blogs or to social media networks. Even better is if other businesses link their company websites to yours. This is obviously very good publicity for your company.

Let’s break it down to these points then:

  • More up-to-date content keeps your readers interested
  • Fresher content lowers your Alexa ranking and drives in more traffic
  • Your website becomes more credible because of updated information
  • Google, or any search engine for that matter, will rank your site higher, which leads to more visibility and sales.

What you have to keep in mind though is to never substitute quality for quantity, which you might be tempted to do so in the belief that quantity is better so long as the content is fresh. Unfortunately, many still commit the grave mistake of overlooking quality, and the consequences are often disastrous. Therefore, you should find a reliable but affordable SEO consultant who can help you achieve a balance between freshness and quantity without compromising quality. My name is Link Spider, I am an SEO Consultant London and UK SEO Company.

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