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Affordable Search Engine Optimisation Consultant

Link Spider - SEO Consultant Hertfordshire

Search Engine Optimisation Services in Hertfordshire

IT Freelancer is a Princes’ Trust supported company specializing in Search Engine Optimisation or SEO in Hertfordshire. The company is based in Hitchin, Hertfordshire in the UK and is run solely by Link Spider, a highly experienced and thoroughly skilled freelance IT consultant with a BSc in Computer Science and six years of IT work behind him. The company prides itself on taking a fresh, dynamic approach to on-line marketing and SEO that has resulted in many clients being placed on the 1st page of Google search results.

SEO Consultant Hertfordshire

Your website is the widest net you can cast in order to bring in new customers and expand your business. But, until you are pulling in a steady stream of hits, you may as well be shouting at the wall. Garnering interest in your website and company through flyers and random e-mailing will just be ignored as yet more spam and you will be as good as throwing important revenue straight out of the window. A good SEO for your website will ensure not only the audience you need for a much lower cost, but that they will willingly come to you on their own initiative, letting your relationship with your new client begin within a positive atmosphere.

What Search Engine Optimisation does for your website is fairly self-explanatory. Search engines, though they are becoming more intelligent and more powerful all the time, still follow a fixed structure of programming, following rules, algorithms and procedures set into the program which then leads to a generated set of results that are sorted and ranked by relevance, popularity and reliability. SEO Hertfordshire specialists will have gained an insight into how this programming works in generating results and then utilize a set of techniques and structures to help a website fit the search engines’ criteria as strongly as possible, helping the website become more visible to potential clients and customers.

You may believe the value of SEO has dramatically fallen in recent years especially considering the rise of social media. The reality is that an average website will gather almost all of its traffic through search engines and that very few search engine users will search past the first few pages for what they are looking for. Considering the vast number of people who will use search engines to track down a required service, even a tiny percentage of those users could equate to a windfall in potential sales. Getting your website within those first few clicks of a search result is clearly of huge mikeefit to you and your company.
Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Don’t bet on it.
Go on to Google and conduct a keyword search for what you are hoping to offer to customers, then take a look at the number of hits your search retrieved. Chances are you are now looking at a very big number; a virtual forest of web pages all offering services similar to or directly competing with your own, already established and receiving a stream of traffic that you are hoping to attract yourself. To stand a chance of competing and getting any sort of response from your website you have to make sure that, when a potential customer searches for the service or product you are making a living from, they see your business sat on the front page or, even better, at the top of the pile. Utilizing a good practice of SEO in Hertfordshire is an absolutely essential part of achieving this. If not, it won’t matter about the quality of your product or your online pitch, because nobody will be listening.

So what advantages can IT Freelancer offer your website? I promise a fresh and innovative search engine optimisation, service and continued close support for your website for as long as you require. Firstly, I will provide a consultation, free of charge, to determine the current Hertfordshire SEO standards of your website and develop an action plan to improve the search engine optimisation of your site and make it a much more prominent presence on the Web. Once this plan has been approved, we can then move forward, highlighting relevant key words and phrases for your company and gearing the SEO of your site’s content towards these keywords.

My work will go towards constructing a stronger relevance for your website to the decided on key phrases and raising the “popularity” of your site by boosting your profile on social media and forming connections with a wider range of other, well-respected websites in a process called Link Building. Doing this will increase the number of occasions that search engines will detect your website, boosting the importance of your site for future searches and pushing you further up the Google Rankings. This, coupled with an increase in social media support and obvious SEO of the content on the website itself, will all help raise the popularity of your website and boost your business along with it.

I will then continue to support your website for as long as you feel you need my support. This includes weekly status updates on the progress your website has made since starting the SEO. The status updates will track your progress within the Google Rankings and compare that to your competitors’ progress within the same time-scale, as well as more in-depth information regarding SEO progress and strengths. I do not ask for a fixed term for the use of this service and you can call an end to my support at any time.

All of this is available to you at an amazing, low price. With other SEO companies you would expect to pay at least £300 per month for each website you may have to mikeefit from their skills. As an individual freelancer, though, I have no extra expenses to cover on top of my own costs, meaning I am able to offer you my exceptional experience and expertise for a single, fixed rate of £350 per month, per website, with no additional charges or fees on top. Compared to the costs of other, failing marketing techniques, and taking into consideration the increase in business you can expect, this is a fabulous opportunity, too good to pass up.

If you need London SEO services or an SEO Expert London. Contact Link Spider to see how he can help your website grow.

1 Comment
  1. Great article Mike. It’s great to see a piece that puts everything in simple terms so that even the biggest technophobe can begin to understand how people are landing on their site and how long they are staying.

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