Simple Tips for Website Owners to Maximise SEO

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Becoming a master on the web takes more than talking and analyzing – it takes guts. This is why webmasters and web owners try their best to make their websites stand out and ensure of a high placement on Google’s Search Engine Pages or SERPs.

However, they are not born with the right amount of knowledge. Everything is learned and processed for a period of time before they can perfect the right combination that will take their websites up to the first page. If you want to become a master of your website, you should start taking these considerations with you:

How to improve crawl on your site 

  • Minimize on-page navigation
  • Set up HTML sitemap pages and pepper them around sections of bigger websites
  • Link single pages of your categories in your navigation
  • Reduce clutter by improving your navigation
  • Turn over the HTML sitemap pages instead of the home page when using Webmaster Tools
  • Avoid using Rel=NOFOLLOW on the following:
  1. tag pages
  2. monthly archive pages
  3. RSS feeds
  • Should there be any problems regarding duplicate content, publish excepts of the articles on all the pages.

How to improve the speed of your WordPress site 

  • Remove all drafts from posts and page changes to optimize database
  • Repair database monthly
  • Embed images locally rather than hotlinking to them
  • Pages should use just a bit of Javascript
  • Block xmlrpc.php as well as wp.admin.php  from crawling. Ensure that you firewall CIDR records
  • Note that the common reason for a browser lock up is analytics code and advertising so be knowledgeable about them

How to gain more tweets in the Google Index

  • Are you having trouble getting Tweets into Google? One way is to add a Twitter widget on the website that is crawlable.
  • Check Google Webmaster Tools for its Lates Link reports to know if it is crawling the widget
  • Remember that individual Tweets can be displayed on the search results (long-tail queries) so you must implement the tactic

SEO Plugins should be removed

SEO plugins can control the content of your website. If you fail to configure the settings, there is a tendency that you are letting someone guide you on your onsite SEO. Note that plugins embed nofollows, stuff meta tags, change titles, and do things that can affect the performance of your site. You can either use them and control them well or choose to uninstall and not use them at all.

Remember, your aim is to rank on the SERPs and not just being found on the pages. And you are not alone. There are millions of websites that will compete with you, so you should be mindful of tactics that can put you on the first page of Google. Continue to learn, as this is something that changes over time. Updates  will keep coming, and you probably don’t want the next victim, right?


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